Understanding Smart Battery

Connected battery plans

Connected, or “smart," battery plans are electricity plans that allow you to lower bills by connecting your battery to your retail electricity provider’s platform. The structures of these plans vary, and can include:

Fixed, variable, or time of use import rates: Connected battery plans can offer fixed import rates, meaning you lock in a price for any electricity you use from the grid, variable import rates that change each month, or time of use import rates that change depending on what time of day you consume the energy.

Fixed or variable battery credits: Most plans offer credits for your battery. These credits may be a fixed amount, or vary based on your battery’s exports or program performance. 

Specifics on how your battery will be used: Connected battery plans will detail what will happen with your battery, including power exporting or other activities to earn credits.

Battery reserve level stipulations: Some battery plans require your battery reserve to be set at a certain level in order to earn credits. On plans like this, if you choose a reserve above the required level, you may forfeit your credits or even be switched to a different plan. 

Fixed or real-time wholesale (RTW) export rates: Battery plans often come with solar export rates for any excess solar you produce. These can be a fixed rate per kWh or the RTW rate, which follows the market price for energy. Learn more about real-time wholesale prices.

What is Smart Battery

Smart Battery is a connected battery plan offered by David Energy. It is designed to work together with David Energy’s Battery Optimization technology to deliver electricity savings for battery owners. 

A Smart Battery plan works together with your home’s system to make sure battery power is used as effectively as possible towards your energy goals. It works by intelligently helping your home align the way it uses energy with grid conditions, saving both you and David Energy money. This enables us to help battery owners achieve lower bills, and supports a cleaner and more resilient grid in Texas. Learn more about how Battery Optimization works.

Battery connection & credits

The Smart Battery plan requires you to connect an eligible battery within 30 days of signing up. You can still adjust your reserve level or opt out of Battery Optimization adjustments at any time throughout your contract term.

With a Smart Battery plan, you will receive bill credits each month for the adjustments made by Battery Optimization. Learn more about bill credits here, or get a credit estimate for your system here

Import and export rates

Smart Battery offers a fixed rate for imports, and an export rate for any excess solar you sell back to the grid. To see the most up to date rates for your area, get a quote here

Terms, fees and cancellation

Smart Battery does not have a base fee. Early cancellation is subject to an early termination fee. To see the most up to date terms for your area, get a quote here