Finding the right solar buyback plan in Texas is no easy task. Gone are the days of straightforward net metering plans, replaced by complex structures and varying rates. With providers offering everything from “real-time wholesale” to “fixed buyback” and special battery incentives, it can feel like an uphill battle to find the plan that will save you money with solar.
And what works for one home doesn’t always work for another. Factors like system size, home usage, battery backup, and more can mean that a plan could deliver a $0 bill for one home, and a $500 bill for another. It’s all about finding the right option for you.
We’re here to help. Now you can ditch the research, spreadsheets, and headaches, and compare plans for your home’s unique profile. Updated weekly with the latest rates, our tool compares 20 of the top solar plans across Texas – so you can find the one that’s best for you.

How to use the tool to compare Texas solar buyback plans
The best plan for you depends on your usage profile, so to see your personalized plan comparison and potential savings, start by entering your home’s details. If you don’t have this info on hand, you can click the “Autofill My Meter Data” button to pull in your data directly from your electricity meter.
1. Where is your home?
- Select your area (Dallas/Oncor or Houston/Centerpoint)
- Your location determines available plans and utility charges
2. Battery system
- Select your battery type and size (e.g., Tesla Powerwall - 13.5 kWh)
- If you don't have a battery, select "No battery"
- Some plans offer specific benefits for battery owners, so if you have one, you’ll see those included in your analysis
3. Usage details
- Input your average monthly imports (typically ~900 kWh for homes with solar + battery)
- Input your average monthly exports (typically ~300 kWh for homes with solar + battery)
- Input your percentage of imports from 9pm-7am (typically around 55%)
- Your imports, exports, and night usage play a huge role in your cost estimates. If you import a lot and don’t export much, you probably want a plan with a low import rate. If you’re the inverse, you probably want one that pays more for the power you export.
Get your meter data for the most accurate results
Finding the information you need to use the calculator is one thing, but making sure it’s accurate is another! Most people are simply estimating things like their night usage percentage, or going off a few recent bills that don’t take into account the full picture of annual fluctuations.
To get the most accurate picture of your imports, exports, and usage patterns, pull the data directly from your smart meter! This isn’t just more correct, it’s also way easier. Here’s how to do it:
- Get started: Click the “Autofill With My Meter Data” button on the plan comparison tool
- Access your data: Fill in your address, current electricity provider, and meter number. Your meter number can be found on any of your electricity bills.
- Tell us about your devices: Fill in the details about your battery, if you have one
- Grant access: Once you’ve submitted your details, you’ll receive an email from Smart Meter Texas confirming that you grant permission to access your meter data.
- Get your results via email: You’ll receive another email with your energy usage profile data, and a link to the comparison tool autofilled with your information. This can take up to a day to process, so don't worry if it doesn't come immediately!
This way, you’re able to really understand the details of how your system works and take no chances with picking the right plan.
Understanding your results
The comparison tool shows you:
- Term: The contract length
- Import rate: What you'll pay for any electricity you use from the grid
- Export Rate: What you'll earn for excess solar (fixed rate or RTW)
- Electricity Cost: Your estimated cost of electricity before additional credits are applied
- Annual Battery Credit: Potential earnings from battery programs ($400+ with some plans!)
- Annual Cost: Total estimated cost after all credits
- Battery Reserve Details: Details about how your battery will be used
Plans are sorted by total annual cost, with the most economical options at the top. You can click on the plan links to be taken to the retailer’s website for more information.
Quick facts about Texas solar buyback plans
The Texas solar buyback market has changed dramatically in recent years. This is largely due to the rising popularity of solar changing how power is produced and shifting the dynamics of the market. Here's what you need to know:
Current Market Snapshot
- Options range from fixed-rate buyback and time of use to real-time wholesale pricing.
- Buyback rates generally range from 3¢ to 16.9¢ per kWh, or follow wholesale markets.
- Import rates generally range from 6.6¢ to 30¢ or higher per kWh.
- Plans are often include additional elements like monthly base fees, credit caps, and limitations to credit rollover or redemption.
Key Market Changes
- Traditional net metering (1:1 buyback) is no longer widely available in Texas.
- In recent years, many providers have shifted to real-time wholesale (RTW) rates for excess solar. However, these plans are not always popular and alternate plan structures are coming back to give consumers more options.
- Battery-specific plans are emerging with special virtual power plant benefits.
- Plan structures have become more complex, with time-of-use and peak pricing options that mean your rate can vary based on the time of day.
How Plans Vary By Home
Your optimal plan depends on several factors:
- Solar system size (some plans cap your system size between 20-50kW)
- Whether you have battery storage
- Your typical usage patterns
- Your utility region (Oncor or Centerpoint)
Understanding your solar buyback options
Solar buyback determines how much you'll earn when your solar panels produce more power than your home needs. In Texas, these plans have evolved significantly as the market matures.
First – what IS a solar buyback plan?
When your solar panels generate excess power, that electricity flows back to the grid. A buyback plan sets the terms for how you'll be compensated for this excess generation. This can come in the form of bill credits or cash payments, depending on your provider.
How solar buyback works in Texas
Because Texas has a deregulated electricity market, providers compete for the business of people with solar panels. They often structure buyback programs to appeal to different customers. This has led to several different approaches:
- Fixed-rate buyback (e.g., 3¢ per kWh)
- Real-time wholesale pricing (RTW)
- Time-of-use rates with different values for peak/off-peak exports or imports
- Special rates for homes with batteries
Key factors that affect your buyback performance
Your potential earnings depend on several factors:
- Your utility region
- Whether you have battery storage
- Your system size (most plans cap at 20kW or 50kW)
- Your usage patterns (especially night vs. day consumption)
- Plan-specific rules about credit expiration or maximum credits
Why personalized comparison matters
Every home's solar setup and usage patterns are unique. A plan that works well for a home with a battery might be expensive for one without. Similarly, a home that exports mostly during peak hours might benefit from a different plan than one with steady daytime exports.
That’s why getting a comparison is the best way to really understand your options.
Key elements to consider when shopping for a solar buyback plan
Solar plans can be complex and difficult to understand. Here’s a breakdown of key terms to understand what you’re looking at. We always recommend looking at the Electricity Facts Label for any plan to make sure you know what you’re getting.
Export Rates
This is what you'll earn for excess solar power. These can be Fixed Rates, meaning you earn a fixed amount per kWh, RTW (Real-Time Wholesale) that varies based on the market price at that given time, or Time of Use, where the rate changes during certain periods each day.
RTW rates can spike up to $5/kWh during times of high demand, which means you have high earning potential but less predictability. Learn more about RTW here.
Import Rates
Your import rate is what you pay for power you need from the grid. This typically includes a rate your company charges for energy, plus TDU charges from your utility (Oncor or Centerpoint).
Credit Policies
Buyback credits make a big difference on your bill. Keep in mind these important details that affect your savings:
- Cash-out options and whether credits expire – so you don’t leave money on the table
- If credits can offset TDU charges
- Monthly credit caps – some plans limit your earnings, even if you export a lot of power.
Special Conditions for Batteries
Batteries are powerful, giving you the ability to store your power and more control over when and how you use it. Because of this, some plans include special benefits for batteries.
These programs can include special rates for exporting battery power, fixed credits in exchange for control of your battery, or smart battery management like David Energy’s battery optimization, which uses smart software to use power more efficiently and receive bill credits.
Hidden Fees to Watch For
Electricity plans can hide costs in the fine print. Make sure to read your EFL closely to understand your charges. Common fees and restrictions customers miss include:
- Early termination fees
- Minimum usage requirements
- “Net importer” requirements, meaning you must use more power than you export
- Monthly base charges
- Credit redemption restrictions
TDU Fees
TDU (transmission & distribution utility) fees are charges from the companies that deliver your power. You pay a fixed monthly fee plus a charge in cents per kWh that you use.
Changes to TDU charges occur multiple times a year. They are proposed by the Utility and must be approved by the Texas PUCT (Public Utilities Commission). The most recent update in October 2024 was:
- Oncor: $4.23 per month + 5.1893 cents/kWh
- Centerpoint: $4.39 per month + 5.35 cents/kWh
Common challenges when shopping for solar buyback
Understanding Complex Terms
The solar buyback market comes with its own vocabulary. Common terms include:
- RTW (Real-Time Wholesale): Market-based rates that change every 15 minutes
- VPP (Virtual Power Plant): Programs that coordinate multiple home batteries into a “virtual” power plant, and compensate the battery owner for their power
- TOU (Time-of-Use): Different rates for different times of day
- Net Generator: When you export more than you import
- Net Importer: When you import more than you export
Comparing Different Rate & Credit Structures
Because rates and credit structures vary, it can be difficult to compare between plans. A time-of-use plan, for example, will have a very different impact on your bill than a fixed rate plan.
Varying credit structures can also make a big difference. Take the example of two identical plans, but one has a credit cap and one doesn’t. You’d need to know a lot about how much you export in order to understand if you will hit the cap and have your earnings restricted – which can often be hard for solar owners to evaluate accurately.
Every Home is Different
The plan that gets your neighbor a $0 bill might cost you hundreds – all due to differences in your home and system! Some things that give your home its unique profile include:
- Solar system size and orientation
- Battery capacity and settings
- Usage patterns and timing
- Seasonal variations in your area
- Home energy efficiency
Making your decision
Finding the right plan for you is all about determining what’s important to you. A few things to take into account when making your decision:
- System size or usage requirements: Larger systems (>20kW) often have fewer plan options, and some plans require you to be a net importer to qualify. In a case like this, you can be kicked off of your plan early if you export more than you import.
- Contract term: When you choose a contract, you’re locked into that term (unless you want to pay an early termination fee!). Exceptions can be made if you’re moving out of your retailer’s service area, but remember to think through any planned system changes or contract flexibility needs when you’re deciding how long to confirm your rate for.
- Usage variation: Time of use plans can be great, but they can also be very expensive if you use power at the wrong time. Consider any upcoming shifts in your home that might affect your power usage – like getting an electric vehicle, changing your heating and cooling system, or changing your schedule to spend more or less time at home.
- Risk protection: People often shop for plans with the ideal outcome in mind, but don’t forget to consider what happens if things go wrong. Free nights plans are great for some systems, but come with very high (30c/kWh!) daytime import rates. If your system has a problem and goes offline for repair, you could end up with a bill in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Of course, this is why we recommend always getting a comparison to see what the real differences are and weigh your options when making a decision.
Start comparing solar buyback plans
Now that you know everything about solar buyback, it’s time to pick the right plan! Get started with our comparison tool to see your best options and understand the differences between plans. Here’s how:
Gather key info
Before using the tool, collect:
- Recent electricity bills
- System size details
- Battery specifications (can be found in your battery app)
If you don’t have these details, click “Autofill My Meter Data” to fetch them from your meter.
How to Use Comparison Results
- Review total annual costs
- Check plan restrictions
- Consider contract terms
- Evaluate battery benefits programs
Support Options
If you need help reviewing your plan options or simply have questions, you can always schedule a call with an energy expert to understand the differences. Our energy experts are here to help – whether you choose a David Energy plan or another option, we’re dedicated to cutting through the complexity of solar to help every home make the right decision for them.
Ready to find your ideal solar buyback plan? Click here to get started with our comparison tool and get personalized recommendations based on your home's unique setup.
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